“The Pause Between” at Deep Wild Journal, p. 70

“Moment with Zagajewski” at Rust & Moth

“My Brother’s Thirteenth Halloween” at Portland Press Herald’s “Deep Water” Poetry Column

“Garden Parable” on p. 118 at Grub Street Literary Magazine

“nos*tal*gia” at Sheila-Na-Gig

“Freudian Slip” on p. 31 at Tipton Poetry Journal

“Core Body Temperature” at Portland Press Herald’s “Deep Water” Poetry Column

“How the Dead Speak” at Pidgeonholes

“Self-Diagnosis” at Funicular

“The Phoebe Nest” at Pedestal Magazine

“Thoreau Knows” at Deep Wild Journal, p. 105

“The Duck Blind” at The Orchards Poetry Journal, pp. 33-34

“My Brother’s Bedroom” in Issue 21 at one

“Meditation Lesson” and “Rosa Raises Red Flags” at Sheila-Na-Gig

“A Boy, A City” and “Loyalty” at Miracle Monocle

“Snapper” at The Writer’s Almanac with Garrison Keillor

“The Death of Narcissus” at Verse Daily

“It’s the Fourth of July” at Unbroken Journal

“When Babcia Caught Her Breath” and “Some Hard Talk About Death” at Roanoke Review





…and in various print publications