New Year’s Day message

1 post

A Brief New Year’s Message (2019 Vintage)

Just like that, another year gone. Here’s weird: I just reread last year’s New Year’s post and nothing, I mean nothing, seems dated, so you can ignore the “Best by Such and Such Date” imprint on it (and don’t you just love ignoring stuff?).

What does the heartiness of a year-old post proves? Once more, in the words of the prophet, this precept: “The more things don’t change, the more they stay the same.”

This year I’ll cut to the quick and thank that hardy little band of readers — including YOU if your eyes just grazed these words — this website enjoys.

As is true with poems, what good are posts you write if no one reads them? Without readers, poems and posts become the proverbial tree falling in the wilderness, not knowing if it makes a noise or not.


The one resolution from last year I’m still wrestling with like Jacob vs. the Angel? Marketing strategies for my poetry. But that’s another post that I don’t want to wrestle with On the Eve (Turgenev titles for $500, Alex!).

So let’s keep it simple: Happy New Year in all virtual sincerity. Thanks for reading and learning with me.

And to those who have given the Amazon sales figures for Lost Sherpa of Happiness a mighty bump (amazing how one purchase rockets the numbers up briefly), a bigger thank you still for putting your heart where the arts are and your faith where my ability to write something you can connect with is.

It keeps me going, both the poetry and this “Updates on a Free-Verse Life” website. Against all odds (and, on bad days, all evens, too).

Enjoy and be safe!
